Family database Juling
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There are 11 individuals with the location Manchester (Kansas) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
DALE, Georgina * 09.07.1850 in Hullett Twp.,Huron Co.,Ontario,Canada, + 12.04.1891 in Manchester (Kansas)
MARTIN, Cecil Clark * 20.10.1898 in Manchester (Kansas), + 16.10.1985 in Honolulu (Hawaii)
MARTIN, Clarence Judah * 31.05.1896 in Manchester (Kansas), + 05.07.1958 in Monterey (California)
MARTIN, Esther Leora * 06.05.1901 in Manchester (Kansas), + 02.11.1965 in
MARTIN, Flora * in 1879 in Manchester (Kansas), + in 1887 in Manchester (Kansas)
MARTIN, Grace Elizabeth * 30.09.1888 in Manchester (Kansas), + 21.01.1980 in
MARTIN, Harriet Alice * 23.08.1875 in Manchester (Kansas), + 12.10.1961 in Rose Hills (California)
MARTIN, Joseph Nathaniel * 29.09.1886 in Manchester (Kansas), + 22.09.1962 in
MARTIN, Minnie Mae * 15.05.1881 in Manchester (Kansas), + 16.12.1978 in
MARTIN, Paul Philipp Alexander * 29.02.1884 in Manchester (Kansas), + 14.01.1978 in Englewood (California)
MARTIN, Sarah Georgina * 06.04.1891 in Manchester (Kansas), + 06.11.1905 in
Last update: 10.07.2002
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